
Denise Mathew

Astrological sign: Virgo
Rising Sign: Taurus
Moon sign: Gemini
I have 5 planets in my house of 

contact me: denise.mathew@yahoo.commailto:denise.mathew@yahoo.comshapeimage_2_link_0

Denise Mathew~Writer and Jewelry Designer.

About me:

In the past I have worn many hats and it’s made me who I am today. I hold a Science degree in Psychology, was a Pediatric Nurse for 11 years, taught english in Thailand, owned my own Jewelry Business, and have written and published over 8 books. I studied (and am still studying) Human Design, and have delved into Astrology for over sixteen years. I’m also a mother of three teenage sons, a wife, and a perpetual student of life.

I’ve always loved reading and learning new things. I can remember as a child saving every penny that I could so I could buy more books from the Scholastic book orders. I love everything spiritual based, as well as Astrology, Human Design, and designing jewelry and of course making jewelry tutorials. So it makes sense that the love of stories and story telling is in my blood. I have tried my very best to stick to one thing but with my undefined “G” (Human Design Lingo) it’s impossible. Because I am multi-dimensional my website showcases all the things that make my heart sing. It truly is all about Body, Mind and Spirit. People who don’t know me might think I’m crazy doing so many things, but that’s just me, I love too many things to settle on just one.  Thank you for being here. Please feel free to look around and also to contact me anytime you want. My door is always open to questions and comments, and of course smiles are always free too. :)

Bye for now, Denise